Then first day; day of our Mother of Carmen, started with a song dedicated to Virgin Mary. It was sang by Marluce.

The coordination manager of the day, Raquel, proposed to continue with the experiences exchange.

Gabon talked first to share their significant experience based on the training of people in order to get a quality education. Practically, this is achieved through pedagogic activities (such as calligraphy and reinforcement of the pedagogy mainly in French), humanitarian ( education of the personality, work on interpersonal relationships) and spirituals (retirements, confessions, masses and deepening on the text of Emilie).

Spain presents the Day of Emilie as their significant experience. It’s a day to remember the solidarity to all the refugees in the world. The project is to encourage the students to become hands that welcome the refugees. Several activities of solidarity include the solidarity race and walking  and the solidarity meal.


At 11:00 o’clock we had the Sunday mass that brings together the people of the residence and other nice people of Castres, the village.


Benin explains their afterschool activities that help the kids to develop their abilities and capacities and stimulate their academic achievements.. Football, basketball, journalists, scouts, skating and dancing are some of these activities.

For Argentina, the sentence “When the dignity is on jeopardy, it touches us” has been a guide for their significant experience. It’s a pedagogic proposal that includes a social_communitary and solidarity project. The knowledge build and shared under the central idea that contributes to the transformation of the society through environmental education.


After each contribution, people have the chance to ask questions and comment the explanations.

After a short break, Marly, the general coordinator gives her opinion about all the contributions and the work done . She appreciates all the work regardless the communication difficulties.


We continue with a new proposal for a new project.


Our work day finishes with a pray around the statue of the Crowned Virgin asking for Her support in our mission through the charisma of Emilie.


Then first day; day of our Mother of Carmen, started with a song dedicated to Virgin Mary. It was sang by Marluce.

The coordination manager of the day, Raquel, proposed to continue with the experiences exchange.

Gabon talked first to share their significant experience based on the training of people in order to get a quality education. Practically, this is achieved through pedagogic activities (such as calligraphy and reinforcement of the pedagogy mainly in French), humanitarian ( education of the personality, work on interpersonal relationships) and spirituals (retirements, confessions, masses and deepening on the text of Emilie).

Spain presents the Day of Emilie as their significant experience. It’s a day to remember the solidarity to all the refugees in the world. The project is to encourage the students to become hands that welcome the refugees. Several activities of solidarity include the solidarity race and walking  and the solidarity meal.


At 11:00 o’clock we had the Sunday mass that brings together the people of the residence and other nice people of Castres, the village.


Benin explains their afterschool activities that help the kids to develop their abilities and capacities and stimulate their academic achievements.. Football, basketball, journalists, scouts, skating and dancing are some of these activities.

For Argentina, the sentence “When the dignity is on jeopardy, it touches us” has been a guide for their significant experience. It’s a pedagogic proposal that includes a social_communitary and solidarity project. The knowledge build and shared under the central idea that contributes to the transformation of the society through environmental education.


After each contribution, people have the chance to ask questions and comment the explanations.

After a short break, Marly, the general coordinator gives her opinion about all the contributions and the work done . She appreciates all the work regardless the communication difficulties.


We continue with a new proposal for a new project.


Our work day finishes with a pray around the statue of the Crowned Virgin asking for Her support in our mission through the charisma of Emilie.


The participates of this Third Congregational meeting of Education are people of the following provinces:

Argentina/Uruguay, Benin, Europa, Gabon-PAC, Mato Grosso, Paraguay, São Paulo and Senegal-PAO.

After the official opening with an activity for the integration of the participants, significant experiences originated in the Congregatinal Educational Project were socialized by the representatives of the several provinces. This fact revealed the presence of the Blue Charisma in the educational units.


São Paulo:

A significant experience focused on the continuing formation of the different education teams, of the chair person (mantenedora) and the social institutions to keep alive the charisma.



A significant experience focused on a total formation of all the “actors” of the education: parents, teachers, managers and students.



A significant experience focused on a specific action of solidarity (build a house, weekly lunch for needy people)and the education of responsible and compromised teenagers.


Mato Grosso:

The project “For the blood, for life” build by the students and the teachers from an Easter work became a multidimentional and transversal experience. The young students were the agents of a social transformation promoting the blood donation to the Blood Center. An action that made a difference in the society.